10 Best Valorant Agents For Beginners in 2024

If you’ve just started playing Valorant and need a little kickstart to improve your game, U7BUY provides the best cheap Valorant accounts. After getting the correct account and selecting the agents suitably, you will level up quickly and enjoy the game more than ever. Here, we’ll discuss some of the best Valorant agents for new players to get you started on the right path.
Best Val Agents for Beginners
Identify which of the following Valorant agents are easy to use but are still lethal in battle, especially for beginners in Valorant. Happily, the Valorant agents list has different Valorant agents that are perfect for newcomers. These are very easy to control and give good skills. They are ideal choices for those who are still learning.
Not all Valorant Agents are meant for new players, but many have abilities that provide an easy way to understand the game. Depending on your playstyle, there may be a best Valorant agent for you. Still, there are some whose abilities can be done very straightforwardly so that you can focus on mastering game mechanics while still being very competitive.
Top 10 Valorant Agents for Beginners in 2024
Here are ten of the best Valorant agents for new players in 2024. Each character has relatively simple yet easy-to-learn skills that help beginners easily adapt to core concepts while playing efficiently.
Sage is one of the best supports for new players. Her healing capability keeps teammates in the fight, while her Barrier Orb can be used to section off areas. As a beginner, you may ask yourself, “How to play Valorant?” Starting with Sage, you actively contribute to your team while keeping yourself safe on the backlines.
Phoenix is a merciful agent for new players because his skills are based on self-sufficiency. Your capacity to heal and use flash easily makes him great for learning about positioning and control over the Valorant map.
This agent is one of the best Valorant agents for beginners because his gameplay style is quite simple. His smokes and ultimate are easy to use, allowing you to control large areas without complicated mechanics.
Reyna is perfect for an aggressive player to flare out. She has healing from every kill, which highly punishes bad performance and gives beginners some focus on improving their aim.
Killjoy’s gadgets put her very good in control matches. For new Valorant players, her turrets and traps are easy to place, covering essential points without having to stand in view.
Jett’s most valuable quality is mobility, making her an excellent agent for new players who prefer moving around the map fast. The gameplay’s flexibility and the player’s danger-based learning process through dashing and jumping are some of her greatest assets.
Sova is one of the most helpful agents for players looking to understand positioning and tracking their enemies. His recon abilities are very straightforward to master, making him a promising agent for beginners to understand the flow of battle.
Omen’s smoke abilities are elementary to deploy; hence, beginners now have the means to cut off the enemy’s vision. His teleportation skill also offers flexibility, and therefore, he is one of the best Valorant agents for players who like sneaking behind enemy lines.
Raze is one of the best Valorant agents for beginners who enjoy aggressive gameplay. Her explosive skills are very simple but powerful, easily giving new players many easy kills and disrupting enemy strategies.
Another great information-gathering player is Cypher. Starting players actually appreciate how his traps and cameras allow them to view pivotal points on the map without risking a dive, thus apprenticing them to reconnaissance Valorant skills.
Enjoy Valorant with U7BUY
The right agent makes the game fun for beginners. From there, one can get a head start with their journey. Plus, get a hold of cheap CSGO accounts and gear up for your gaming adventure.